How To Get Your Libra Ex Back? Wondering to win back your libra ex without seeming too desperate? Worry not because you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to give you practical, beginner friendly tips to spice up the romance once again with your Libra ex and build a stronger relationship.
It may be very difficult for you to lose your ex, especially if your ex was a Libra. You may go through a lot of emotional struggles and even though you want to get back with your ex, you are unsure about how to approach them.
I have put together a series of steps to reconnect with a specific type of a ex, a Libra ex. Now, to approach a Libra ex, you need to first understand a Libra personality, then only you can tackle the struggles and bring forth your right personalities that attracts a Libra person.
Read till the very end of this article because not only I am going to give you steps to reconnect with your Libra ex but also provide you with common mistakes that people make while approaching a Libra ex. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
Steps to win your Libra ex back are as follows-
1.Understand the Libra Personality

What’s the point of understanding a Libra Personality?
As we know to attract butterflies, flower have nectar. In a similar manner, to attract a Libra we need to understand the common traits of a Libra and pick the ones that will help us win them over.
Libras are born between September 23 and October 22. They are ruled by Venus, a planet of love, beauty and harmony. This type of persons generally has personalities which make beauty, balance and fairness central to who they are.
Libras don’t like conflicts or arguments and tend to create a balanced environment around them. They consider everyone’s benefit among the people surrounding them. So, avoid having as much as conflicts after your breakup. Also be cautious to prevent emotional turbulence.
They have a strong appreciation of beauty whether it is in the form of art, nature or even relationship. They also have a deep need of harmony.
The core values of a Libra are justice and equality. They consider that everyone should be treated fairly and often aid as a mediator in conflicts to provide a fair resolution. They are very considerate in their relationship and treat others with respect and kindness.
All these great qualities are what makes them hard to forget. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
2. Analyse Your Relationship with Your Libra Ex
Think What Could Go Wrong In Your Relationship
Pause whatever you are doing right now and look back into your relationship and think what could have gone wrong that led up to your breakup.
Did you guys have frequent arguments? Were there any misunderstandings between you two? Did you not respect your partner’s need for harmony?
Try to think over and over. It may not be just a single event; multiple events generally lead up to this consequence in a relationship.
Once you have analyzed your relationship and identified what went wrong, you are ready to find out whether there is still any potential for you to reconnect or not.
Identify Whether There’s Still Any Potential
To find out if there are any chances for you to reconnect or not, you need to open up your vision and observe very closely to whether there is any hints or positive chances towards your relationship.
What I mean to say is that you need to observe that if there is any engagement from your partner’s side. Find out if your ex engages with you on social media, if they respond positively to your texts or not.
All these little details will lead up to the conclusion of whether you can win your ex back or not. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
3. Rebuild Your Trust by Communicating

To win your Libra ex back, you need to make frequent engaging conversations with them to bring back the trust you both had. Try to be as engaging as you can.
Acknowledge your past mistakes and showcase your sincere changes. Make sure that they notice your improvements in behaviour, attitude around them. Otherwise, its useless.
Don’t try to be hyperactive and engage in every possible contact with them even if its not meaningful. They will notice that something is off or something strange from your side and retreat them from your presence.
Approach them with optimum patience in your hand because Libra takes time to trust someone fully. And since you have broken their trust once, it will be hard for you to build it up to that level where they are ready to be in a relationship with you once again.
Thus, you need to approach them without sounding desperate or heavily emotional. Use neutral conversation to reignite communication.
Sharing a funny moment or some light-hearted texts can be taken into consideration.
After you have initiated communication with them its time for you to move on to the next important step which is to rebuild their attraction towards you. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
Read More: How To Get Your Ex Back Quickly Without Begging? 5 Simple Steps
4. Rebuild Attraction
While you are gradually progressing on building trust with her, you need to rebuild their lost attraction towards you. Here’s how you can accomplish that-
Keep the Conversation Light and Positive
According to their traits, Libras are naturally drawn to positive and engaging conversations.
Try not to dive too quickly into past issues. Engage her with light-hearted texts and good stories.
Build new memories with her that are fun and engaging. Have casual meet-ups in places that are appealing to them as Libras have an affection towards art and beauty (e.g., art galleries, gardens etc.)
5. Showcase Your Growth and Maturity
After you have successfully rebuilt her attraction towards you, you need to show her your progress in terms of character development and maturity.
Libras appreciates personal growth and balanced relationship. Therefore, you need to show them that you are less likely to be a jerk in order for them to reconsider you as their partner.
Demonstrate your changes through your actions rather than yapping about it. This will naturally appeal to a Libra’s need for balance and harmony.
That’s it, you are done with the five steps. If you follow them sincerely, you are sure to win them over again. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
Common Mistakes to Avoid with a Libra Ex

- Don’t be desperate.
- Avoid any conflicts or arguments.
- Don’t be impatient.
- Avoid pressuring them into taking any decisions, as Libras tend to dislike confrontation.
- Don’t bring up past arguments and maintain a pleasing approach.
- Don’t forget to show them your character development.
- Avoid being boring and immature.
- Don’t start unnecessary conversation with them just to get their attention.
Read More: 6 Ways to make a Libra miss you after breakup
Final Thoughts on How To Get Your Libra Ex Back
A round of applause for those who have read till the very end of this article. Yes, there you have it, my secret sauce to win your Libra ex back.
Make sure that you follow each step with equal importance. Don’t miss out any cause if you do, you may not get your favourable outcome. Ad try avoiding the common mistakes mentioned in this article as well.
Apply this to your ex and mention your progress down below in the comment section. And do check my other articles as well because I have a lot of articles that you may need to win your ex back.
Share your experience and let me know if you need more related articles or not. [How To Get Your Libra Ex Back]
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