How to Get Your Ex Attention: 5 Easy Steps

How to Get Your Ex Attention

How to Get Your Ex Attention: Wondering how to get you ex’s attention without looking too desperate or having to beg? This step-by-step guide will provide you with practical tips that you can apply with your ex for getting noticed in a respectful way, boosting your confidence and sparking renewed interest.

The one thing that most of us want after a breakup, is to get our ex’s attention. Whether it is to make them jealous or satisfy our own emotional need. Either way it becomes very difficult to approach your ex without losing your emotional control or acting too desperate.

Wanting your ex’s attention is normal. Its okay to feel emphatic and still have feelings for your ex. You did have a strong relationship with that person, so its natural to feel the need of their presence even if you cut contact with them.

Though it is natural to desire your ex’s attention, it may not be healthy for you. Many a times, wanting your ex’s attention can affect your mental health and cause depression.

But if you want to avoid that and if you want their attention so that you can get back with them, then you must surely read this article till the very end. [How to Get Your Ex Attention]

1.Focus on Yourself First

How to Get Your Ex Attention

This is the first and most important step in this process. Before you make an attempt on your ex, you need to learn to focus on yourself. Self-care leaves a big impact on your personality.

It makes you mature and also helps you in healing yourself after the breakup. Indulge yourself in activities such as going to gym, spending time with your friends, discover new hobbies.

Try to stay busy. This will distract you from the memories of relationship as well as help you recover gradually. Because you need to heal yourself first before you make an attempt to get together.

Self-improvement will not only boost your confidence but will also catch your ex’s attention. Seeing that you have developed maturity and a good personality, your ex will be naturally attracted towards you.

You don’t even have to try harder to get your ex’s attention if you just work hard on yourself. So, focusing on yourself makes it beneficial for you in either way, it’s a win-win. Just like killing two birds with one stone. Thus, focus on yourself first rather than running around your ex to get their attention.

After you are done with working on yourself, its time to move on to the next step, i.e. to limit contact and create mystery. [How to Get Your Ex Attention]

2.Limit Contact and Create Mystery

What good is a relationship where there is no fun and excitement. In this step you need to follow No Contact Rule. If you don’t know what is No Contact Rule, feel free to click on this link.

The important thing about No Contact is that it will create a sense of mystery in the relationship. Instead of texting your ex day and night, instead of meeting and apologizing to your ex every now and then, you will completely lose contact with them.

This will make your ex curious and install in them a sense of “missing out.” They will think ‘Why is he not making any contact with me, am I not that important to him?’

Also, while maintaining No Contact try keeping healthy boundaries on other things as well to increase their curiosity. Like, limit your social media interactions. Setting boundaries can help you gain self-respect and maturity.

How long should you go no-contact to get your ex’s attention?

You cannot set a specific time for no-contact. Normally you should at least maintain no contact for 30 days. If you can maintain it for 2 to 3 months, it will be better for you.

 But you should also take into consideration how your ex will react to it. If she is the one to break your no contact, then you should stop no contact immediately and work on the next step.

Pro Tip: you can maintain no contact along with step 1 i.e. focusing on yourself. [How to Get Your Ex Attention]

3. Subtle Ways to Get Noticed Again

make your ex notice you

In this step, you need to leverage every possible way to get noticed again by your ex. You cannot just sit still in your home and expect you ex to crawl up to you thinking you have become better.

For instance, post on social media regularly to show your positive changes- post about your hobbies, post about your accomplishments. Whatever you find reasonable to post, you need to post it. But don’t over-post because it will seem more obvious to your ex that you are hungry for their attention.

Try to go in places where you are more likely to find your ex. Make the encounters accidental and casual to not freak her out. Make sure your ex notices your change otherwise those encounters will be useless.

Prepare yourself before the encounter. Dress nicely, be positive. Sound confident in every word you say. Don’t give up to your emotions in the middle of the conversation, she will withdraw if she notices something is wrong with you.

Complement her without sounding too desperate. Say things like- Hey, that outfit looks really cool on you. Make sure to leave a positive impression when you run into them. [How to Get Your Ex Attention]

4. Show You’re Doing Well Without Them

make your ex notice you

The next thing you want to do is to show them that you are happy even without them. Demonstrate through various activities such as posting on social media that you are visiting new places, making new friends, exploring other things rather than running after them.

Show them something naturally, in an indirect way that might catch their eye and compel them to make contact with you.

Say for example- post a story where you are seen visiting her favourite ice-cream corner, or watching a new show that your partner may be interested in. This way you can catch their attention without acting too desperate.

5. When and How to Reconnect

You will know that it’s the right time to make your move when you notice that they are noticing you. You see them reacting on your posts, gossiping about you to your mutuals etc. When you see them doing all this, you are ready to reconnect with them.

But remember, keep your interactions friendly, not flirty. reach out to them in a casual, non-pushy way. Its important that you show them that you are in control of your emotions otherwise you will find them retracting.

For example, say something like ‘Hey, saw something that reminded me of you.’ [How to Get Your Ex Attention]

Read More: How to Get Your Ex Back After Cheating: 5 Secret Steps

Final Thoughts on How to Get Your Ex Attention

Therefore, keep your cool and be positive during the whole process. Focusing on yourself is the most important step in this process. It will build your character, make you more confident regardless of the outcome of the process.

Even if your ex doesn’t seem interested after the process, worry not, self-improvement is the best way to attract positive relationship in the future.

If you liked reading this article, make sure to check put my other articles as well. Do leave a comment on what your outcome was after reading and applying the process mentioned in this article.

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